Accountant Disability Insurance

Accountant Disability Insurance

Why You Need Accountant Disability Insurance

As a certified public accountant or CPA, you enjoy several different career options. You can work within a business or organization as part of the accounting team. You can open your own accounting business. You can work as a consultant, and more. You also earn a good income, and that money goes toward supporting your family and, possibly, your business.

You need that stream of income to ensure you can make monthly mortgage payments and car payments. You probably have student loan debt and credit card debt, and likely pay for your children’s education, too. Meeting those financial obligations would be impossible if you were out of work and unable to earn an income. Accountant disability insurance helps ensure that it does not happen.

Other Insurance Types Don’t Provide The Income Protection You Need

Although you may not realize it, workers’ compensation doesn’t cover costs arising from injuries that happened outside of your workplace. And health insurance only gives limited coverage for medical costs. But what happens with your regular income? No insurance provides a replacement for your monthly income other than disability insurance.

Add the fact that some studies show that almost 75% of Americans are experiencing financial stress at least some of the time, and nearly a quarter of us are feeling extreme financial stress. Moreover, money is the leading cause of weight in a relationship. This shows that losing your valuable income can not only put a strain on your finances but also your family relationships.
These statistics show how important it is to protect your income at all times, which is why you need to implement disability insurance in your financial plans.

Your Risks of Disability

If you’re like most people, you don’t think a lot about being sick or injured and unable to work. You may even think you have little risk of experiencing such a condition. The truth is that one-third of Americans will ultimately be disabled before they can retire. The risk of experiencing a disability that leaves you unable to work for weeks or even months is increasing. Today, you have a 21% chance of being disabled for at least three weeks before you turn 65 just by being close to the age of 40. Those are not odds you want to gamble with – you need to protect yourself and your family’s financial situation with accountant disability insurance.

Protecting Yourself and Your Family

How do you ensure that you and your family are protected should the worst happen? The answer is to compare accountant disability insurance policies and choose one that fits your needs the most. Of course, that can be hard to do, especially if you have never considered getting disability insurance in the first place.

But we are here to make things easier for you. We make it simple to compare your options on a side-by-side basis. We’ll help you understand your coverage options and compare the best disability insurers in the US. From disability definitions to benefit minimums and maximums, we’ll guide and advise you to make sure you can purchase the ideal protection fit for you and your family’s needs.

How much coverage do you need?

To find out how much coverage you will need, you would first need to find the minimum amount necessary for your monthly living expenses. Then, add up any other source of income other than your salary. The difference between these two should be the coverage of your disability insurance policy. It’s the amount that should be replaced by the monthly benefit from your accountant disability insurance.

When you turn to us for help with your disability insurance, we make sure to include you in every step of the process. We work with you to understand not just the insurer options, but also your options in coverage terms and other considerations.

Take Your Policy With You

One of the advantages of individual disability insurance is that it is tied to the policyholder, so even if you switch companies, you will not lose your insurance policy, which is not the case with some other types of insurance policies. With other insurance policies, once you stop being an employee in the first place where you got your insurance policy, you lose your protection, but this will not happen with your individual accountant disability insurance.

However, finding the right policy is important as well. Many people struggle to compare their disability insurance options and choose the wrong insurance policy as a result, but we can help prevent that from happening to you. We will give you quotes from top-ranked national insurance companies, explain your options, and help guide you to an informed decision.

We Help You Find Peace of Mind

Accountant disability insurance is about one thing and one thing only – finding the peace of mind that comes from knowing you and your family are protected in the case that you’re disabled and unable to work.

Of course, finding the right accountant disability insurance is not simple. This is where we come in. We can help you get quotes from top-rated insurance companies across the US, compare rates, and understand your options when it comes to finding this insurance protection. With us, you can:

Be able to review rates from some of the leading providers of accountant disability insurance.

Get quotes from all major insurers in the US that currently offer insurance products in your specific geographic area.

Learn more about accountant disability insurance and how it can benefit you if you’re injured and unable to work.

We can help you find the right policy for your needs. We’ve worked with countless professionals like you to find the ideal coverage for their unique situation, budget, and needs. We can do the same thing for you. We invite you to call us today at 1-877-221-6198 or use the form on this page to get a free quote. There’s no reason you should be without the protection that you need.


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